Inner Balance, Outer Wellness
When your hormone levels fall out of balance, it can impact every aspect of your well-being. By visiting Bella Paloma for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you can restore your hormones and start feeling like yourself again.
Muscle loss
Low libido
Hot flashes
Vaginal dryness
Erectile dysfunction
Weight gain

Our Process
Before starting HRT, we sit down with you for a private, compassionate consultation. We discuss your symptoms and perform blood work to fully tailor your HRT plan.
During your appointment, we apply a local anesthetic to the skin above the fatty tissue of your upper butt or hips. Then we insert the pellet, which is about the size of a grain of rice.
Over the next 3 to 4 months, the hormone pellet will release a consistent amount of hormones. You can enjoy your newfound balance for as long as treatment continues.

Envision a Healthier You
Use our Treatment Planning Tool to tell us about your concerns, and we’ll recommend the right treatments to feel like yourself again.

Your Benefits at Bella Paloma
If you’re looking for hormone replacement therapy in El Paso, you can enjoy multiple benefits by visiting Bella Paloma.
At Bella Paloma, we understand that every person is unique. We start your care by analyzing your symptoms and hormone levels so that we can build a plan fully centered on you.
Hormone replacement therapy treats the cause of your concerns rather than just masking the symptoms. You can enjoy lasting, comprehensive improvements to your quality of life.
Our team has years of education and experience in providing aesthetic and medical care to clients. Your care is in expert hands from the moment you walk through our doors.
Frequently Asked Questions

Reach Your Aesthetic Paradise
Restore your body’s inner balance with a visit to Bella Paloma. Request your appointment today.

- Complete all necessary paperwork and blood work according to your consultation.
- Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your HRT appointment.
- We will cover the incision with a bandage before you leave. Make sure to keep it clean and dry.
- Avoid heavy glute exercises as directed, up to a couple of weeks.
- Follow any other aftercare instructions your provider gives you.
Over time, most people will experience a decrease or imbalance in certain hormone levels. For men, a gradual decrease in testosterone levels (known as “andropause”) can lead to a variety of health and wellness concerns. As women experience a decrease in estrogen levels, they begin experiencing symptoms associated with menopause. Other medical conditions can lead to hormonal imbalances as well.
In all these cases, you may notice differences in energy level, libido, sexual function, sleep, and more. Hormone replacement therapy addresses a myriad of concerns by correcting the root of the problem: your hormone levels.
When you visit Bella Paloma for hormone replacement therapy in El Paso, we insert a tiny hormone pellet into the layer of fat just beneath your skin. This pellet releases a consistent amount of hormones over the next few months, supplementing your natural hormone levels.
Your body puts the extra hormones to work in a variety of vital processes. The result? Your body regains its ability to function at its best, helping you feel more youthful, healthier, and like yourself again.